(Columbus, KY 3/14/12) – Columbus-Belmont State Park has always had supporters. Now it has friends. With a capital “F.”
The new Friends Group grew out of an evening meeting organized by Park Manager Cindy Lynch. Over twenty local residents came out to the Park Activities Center to hear how they can help Lynch and the small group of Park employees. Budget cuts have reduced the size of the staff, limiting the ability of the Park to reach out to new visitors.
Heading off rumors before they had a chance to grow, Lynch first explained that the Park is not in danger of closing. With the state budget woes, only one park facility has closed – and that is a historic house, not a park.
“No matter what you hear about the budget, they are not going to close the Park. We’ve got too much here. We’ve got the campground, reservations for the activities center and approximately 100,000 visitors a year.”
Lynch said that many state parks have formed friend groups. The Friends can do things that she, as park manager, cannot. A Friends Group can fundraise for extras that will enhance the Park experience. Lynch said that the Friends of Perryville Battlefield are constantly getting grants and having fundraisers.
Friends will also be a source of volunteers. Not that the Park lacks volunteers. Lynch said that her small staff, as hard as they work, could not manage to do Civil War Days in October without the help of volunteers, like the Hickman County Rotary Club that directs traffic and parks cars. A Woodmen of the World group from Carlisle comes every spring to help with clean up.
Lynch told the group that a steamboat is scheduled to stop at the Park in August. She would like to see volunteers meet passengers, escort them around the Park and possibly put on a program for them.
The group elected a board of directors to get the group off the ground. The new officers are: Anita Bugg of Ballard County president, Allen Poole as vice president, Dawn Mathis as secretary and Deena Pittman as treasurer.
The new board is scheduled to meet once a month with Cindy Lynch as an ex-officio member.