Attorney General Conway - cybercrime fighter

Attorney General Jack Conway's stump speech is evolving. His old material is still there. A goodly portion of his five minutes at St. Johns Picnic on Saturday was spent talking about his fight against cybercrime. The AG said that his office has trained 400 local officers in the fight against cybercrime and that he created a cybercrimes lab.
Conway continues to work to create links to his audience. He told the crowd he was the first to go to college on his mother's side of the family, that he learned responsibility and service from his family.
In some new material, Conway said that he sued the Beshear Administration to keep violent offenders in jail. He cited KERA as a shining example of public education and deplored Kentucky's high drop out rates. Conway said that he supports health care reform and promised not to vote for a bill that harms Kentucky coal.