Editor's Note: Iraq War and Kentucky Budget are linked

Editor Note: For the past week the political power halls of Frankfort have been very quiet, except for the occasionally secret meetings behind close doors. The agendas of these meetings concerned adding more water and sewer projects to the budget.

Meanwhile, the price of oil has topped $112 per barrel as President Bush defends his war record. During the next two days, the new governor of Kentucky must decide to veto the budget or sign it into law.

Likewise, as Governor Beshear confronts his questions on the budget, the Republicans and Democrats brace for the last two legislative days in this session.

All three political powers must make their moves with increasing knowledge that the country and Kentucky face certain economic recession. As the War cost keep increasing; as the price of food, gas and other resources reach new high levels; as more factories and jobs are lost in Kentucky; it almost a certainty that the budget to be signed by the governor will not hold till January of 2009.

As the war deepens and global markets impact the national economy, odds are that Governor Beshear will have to call a special session later in this year to address how the budget numbers no longer work.