Whitfield Continues Assault on Working Class

Paducah, KY - April 23, 2008 - As of late, Republican Congressman Ed Whitfield's staff has felt the need to press release every action that the "Absentee Representative" makes.

Within the past 48 hours, they expressed his desire to cowtow to the Bush Administration by cutting funding for farm subsidy programs, which include Food Stamp benefits for the poor, and just a few hours later, released Mr. Whitfield's support of legislation that would allow a credit for the cost of gasoline when we file taxes in 2009.

Being a mother, I tend to be a "giver", so certainly, I am happy to assist Mr. Whitfield with his apparent need to connect to middle class. Putting food on the table, the ability to get to and from work and buying the prescriptions for which our families rely are all top priorities for average folk, like us.

These are all pressing issues that must be addressed NOW, not next year when Mr. Whitfield proposes we should receive a "rebate" on the price of gas, assuming we all save our $4.00 a gallon receipts from Exxon. Of course, he does not know from where the money for said rebate will materialize and I have yet to read about what he plans to do about the rising cost of everything else, including food, clothing, airline tickets and the like as a result of the soaring price of gas.

Perhaps Mr. Whitfield might entertain a "Windfall Profits" tax on oil companies such as Exxon and Mobile during this time of their blatant war profiteering?

But then again, Exxon and Mobile are but a few major donors to his re-election campaign and he owns in the arena of $250,000 in Exxon stock alone. It does not financially benefit him or his "friends" to impose a tax on the companies who have waged an all out assault on the poor and middle class, so don't expect a windfall tax on the horizon as long as Whitfield is at the helm.

When an elitist Republican proposes that we should strip funding for crumbling infrastructure as a solution to Middle Class pain, we should be incensed and insulted. I hope the voters remember this pandering to the oil companies on November 4th

April 23, 2008
For Immediate Release
Carl McNew