Switzerland is once again ranked number one on the Global Economic Forum's latest international competitiveness rankings. Sweden, rising to number two, is also joined by Finland, the Netherlands, and Denmark in the top 10, making the Nordic countries one of the most economically competitive regions in the world.   
The Global Competitiveness Report compares countries on the strength of such measures as infrastructure, institutions, labor market efficiency, education and training, technological readiness, and innovation, in addition to a poll of more than 13,500 business leaders in 139 economies. The goal is to give policy leaders a picture of their competitive strengths and weaknesses.   
The United States fell two places from 2009 to 2010 (placing fourth behind Singapore). According to the report, the downward slip in U.S. competitiveness reflects concerns for the strength of U.S. public and private institutions, as well as its financial markets.   
SOURCE: Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011, World Economic Forum   