Paducah Middle Students participate in WKCTC Science Fair

Paducah Middle Students participate in WKCTC Science Fair

L-R: Maddie Ybarzabal, Erin Burba, Rohit Vadarevu

Five Paducah Middle students participated in the WKCTC Science Fair on November 19, with three students receiving awards.

Eighth grader Erin Burba won first place in Biological Science and sixth grader Maddie Ybarzabal won third place in Biological Science. Sixth grader Rohit Vadarevu won first place in Chemical Science, and also won the grand prize. His project, titled “C” for Yourself examined which citrus fruit has the most vitamin C.

Students had the opportunity to enter projects in the categories of chemistry, biology, inventions, and math science. Students were required to present their project to judges who then voted on the project that most closely resembled demonstration of the scientific process in action.