Hummingbird Seminar and a remedy for moles and Japanese beetles

Suzanne @ Beans to Blossoms

Hummingbird Seminar and a remedy for moles and Japanese beetles

Hummingbird seminar on Saturday, April 23 at 2:00 at Beans to Blossoms in Murray

Hi Folks,

I hope everyone is safe after all the storms that came through last night.  I don't know about you but this weather is driving us crazy!!!  Our plants can't figure out if they are supposed to bloom or hide with these extreme temperature fluctuations.  Every week I think it is going to moderate but more wind and more rain is forecast for the next few days.  No matter what the weather we still try to have fun at Beans to Blossoms. 

 We had several people brave the cold wind and come out to the 10 year celebration.  The children were enjoying the petting zoo and pony rides so much they didn't even know it was cold.  Lindy and I were determined that we were going to fill all 4 greenhouses this year and we just about have even so early in the season. 

 I hope one of these warm-not rainy-days you will come out and see all the new plants we have for this year.  Too many to try and name so you will just have to see for yourselves! 

We want to invite everyone to come out Saturday at 2:00 for a free Hummingbird/Oriole Seminar that we are having.  We are very excited to have Aviva Yasgar from the Nature Station in LBL to hold this seminar for us.  She always has an excellent program and is very knowledgeable about Hummingbirds and their habits.  She also is going to teach us about the Oriole which I think will be very interesting.  Teresa Gemeinhardt, who is a local photographic artist, is going to have some of her beautiful photographs and other hummingbird art on display.  At least we will be inside if the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour or if the temperature decides to drop 20 degrees. 

I have been doing some research on Milky Spore to use for controlling moles and Japanese Beetles.  I finally got a shipment of the 20 lb. granular in this week if anyone wants to try it.  It is an organic control of the grubs that the moles are after and it kills the Japanese Beetle grub before it can emerge.  You have to spread it on in April or May in our area so give me a call or come out to the store if you want information.  The granular is less expensive than the powder but takes longer to kill the grubs.  It would take ALOT of the powder to treat an average yard and be very expensive. 

Hope to see you soon! 

Suzanne at Beans to Blossoms