Todd Hollenbach Surprises West Kentucky Crowd

Todd Hollenbach IV, a Louisville native, is not really well known in  West Kentucky. That may be changing as Hollenbach finds his own voice among Democratic leadership. That seems odd since he beat Mike Weaver and two other Dems in the primary last year and then handily whipped Melinda Wheeler.

Hollenbach, who is a young looking 47, graduated from UK in 1982 and from U of L Brandeis School of Law in 1985. His name is a familiar one in Kentucky politics. His father, Louis "Todd" Hollenbach III, was county judge in Jefferson County for two terms before being unseated by now Minority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell. His father ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primaries for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general.

Hollenbach gave an unexpectedly rousing speech at the Graves County Democratic Breakfast and repeated his charge against his family's nemesis at the Picnic.

Hollenbach told the crowd that the taxpayers pay Mitch McConnell $500 a day to represent us. Special interests pay him $5000 a day to represent them.

"Who do you think he works for?"  he asked the crowd.