Gas Pump Blues

Ivan Potter

The Gas Pump Blues

Ivan Potter - written in August 2005

Hot August day,
Sweat pouring down my brow
As me and my old dog, Blue
Set in the Chevy truck, thinking about how
George Bush once again stuck it to me.

I came to town with $5.00 in my pocket,
Enough for a gallon of gas,
A Dr. Pepper, and two Moon Pies,
One for me and one for old Blue.

Gas in one day shot up to $2.70 a gallon.
Dr. Pepper jumped up by a quarter
And Moon Pies went up a dime.

Here in front of the Jiffy Mart,
I just set here and sing the Gas Pump Blues
Knowing that I have money for just one gallon of gas,
One Dr. Pepper and one Moon Pie.
Bush has taken old Blue's Moon Pie away.

Lord help us.
Mr. Bush has taken
Old Blue's Moon Pie away
And left me singing the Gas Pump Blues!
