Calloway County GOP HQ Humming

The Calloway County GOP headquarters in downtown Murray held lots of Ken Winter signs, McConnell signs. Bumper stickers like “Sportsman for Mitch” and Veterans for Mitch” were readily available. Calloway County Republicans on duty on Saturday told us they had handed out 525 McCain signs and were now out of signs for the presidential race.
There was steady traffic coming and going. In the short time we were there, five people walked in asking for signs and literature.  
The large room was bright, colorful and full of their platform – books, bumper stickers, posters on the wall. The phones were ringing and the place was busy. Parking seemed to be the only drawback for the location. In the evening, even that wouldn’t be an issue.
The Republican manning their headquarters knew about West Kentucky Journal of Politics & Issues. One went to so far as call the site “fair and balanced”. They welcomed our visit. They told us they felt energized about the campaign ahead. Plans for precinct captains were already underway.
In this day of electronic fundraising, text messaging, websites and email alerts, it seems antiquated to plan a door to door campaign. However, that is just what the national pundits are saying must happen. Modeling on the George Bush strategy of 2004, national politics becomes local politics as neighbors recommend their candidates to neighbors.