Ricky Lamkin

Dear Editor:
When you go to the polls to cast your vote in the upcoming election, please consider the following: 
159,000 lost their jobs in 9/08 alone; 9.5 million unemployed who are looking for work; W.; Osama Bin Laden; 911; uniter not divider; lies; weapons of mass destruction; ignoring evidence of upcoming terrorist attack on America ; 9/11; Cheney in hiding; go shopping; Cheney’s energy policy; NSA;   Niger; Valerie Plame; lies; Halliburton; Blackwater; blank check; back alley; torture; Mission Accomplished”; 4200 U.S. troops dead: tens of thousands injured; Walter Reed; veteran’s hospital and staffing; Rumsfeld; NSA; Rove; Scooter Libby; outing CIA agent Valerie Plame; lies; deregulation of all forms of government; cut taxes for wealthy and corporations; financial meltdown; recession; $4.00 gas;  Lehman Brothers; bailout; unemployment; party of family values; Senator Larry Craig; Congressman Mark Foley-male pages; corruption; Duke Cunningham; Osama Bin Laden still alive and well; Afghanistan; Dick Cheney; Iraq; Guantanamo; surge; torture; deregulation of all financial institutions; failing banks; unemployment; housing crisis; bailout; deficit;  George Bush  to America citizens…Bush to American workers…“irresponsible home owners”;  Indy bank; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; $11,000,000,000.00 trillion deficit in past 5 republican administrations; $200 billion surplus after 8 years of Clinton; invasion of Iraq on fraudulent grounds;  inadequate veterans health care, Walter Reed; Osama Bin Laden; Donald Rumsfeld; Donald  Feith; international war crimes tribunal; bailing out the debt of wealthy; $700 billion bailout this month; Teri Shivo; Interior Department coziness with oil speculators; Osama Bin Laden; 18% of America believes W. has the country headed in the right direction; credit card fiasco; student loans crunch; Department Of Education run by student loan companies;  Big Oil billions of net profit quarterly and massive tax breaks; Big Agriculture tax breaks; Albert Gonzalez fiasco; investigation of the Justice Department; hire only “good friends”; U.S. Attorney political firing; illegal wire tapping of Americans; librarians; death of 4th amendment; immigration; health insurance, health insurance, health insurance; jobs leaving America; major corporations leaving America to avoid taxes;  Cheney; Abu Garcia prison; Pakistan;  corruption; Katrina; third term of W.; campaign of fear; earmarks; GITMO; war crimes tribunal against U.S. executives; 1 million foreclosures in 2008-no bailout for people;
3 million projected foreclosures in ’09- no bailout for people; Jack Abramcoff; growing Afghan war; 1 trillion borrowed to finance Afgan and Iraq war; tax cuts for wealthy can fix any problem;  Freddie and Fannie;  death of checks and balances; Monica Goodling; Pentagon’s off books private contracts; “stay the course”; “the economy is fundamentally sound”; Senator Ted Stephens- the king of earmarks; Mrs. Chao/McCon, Sec of Dept. of Corps and LLC’s formerly Dept. of Labor.; Bridge to nowhere; what Environmental Protection Agency; global warming; executives golden parachute; economy in a “fundamental meltdown”; largest socialized government in the history of the world; hedge funds; gutting of U.S.Constitution; water boarding; torture; secret prisons; Osama Bin Laden; 911; go shopping; blank check; mortgage backed securities; accountability; sleaze; road to nowhere.
If you find the phrases and terms I have shared as a positive, then vote for more of it, vote Republican; otherwise, vote for HOPE.