Kentucky Pecans - Stuff of Legends

Ivan Potter from Mississippi River Journal

Pecans…The stuff  of legends 
The magic of Lynn’s Paradise Café was working its mojo on little Owen. He was 7 months old and his big sister Sarah, just turned 5 years old, was trying to make him eat a biscuit.
Like everything else at Lynn’s Paradise Café, the biscuits were oversize and tore into the boredom of ordinary food with a force of a meteorite striking earth. The biscuits were the size of large hamburgers and little Owen was delighting himself with trying to connect his mouth with a fragment of the biscuit.
Sitting at the largest table in Lynn’s that morning; I watch as Mary, grandmother, oversaw the logistics of moving the children into position, ready for a Saturday brunch. Auntie Stephanie and mother Leanne relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere of one of Louisville’s premiere restaurants for the rich and famous. Lynn’s was “the place” to go for a Sunday brunch after the Derby for those in town slumming from Hollywood or New York.  
Our table was right in the middle of the large room, seating over a 150 customers. The kids had been good and we thought it was time to introduce Owen to the world of gourmet foods.
We ordered. Massive amounts and portions of eggs, omelets, bacon, biscuits, gravy,
Jams, coffee, soon invaded our table. All of us took a few long seconds to stop breathing and just devour the food with our eyes before our fist new breaths engulf the smells of new food adventures.
As the family soon became engaged in hand to hand tasting experience, I just studied my object of desire, the French Toast.
The bread was the size of large one inch New York steak. Cut into triangles and covered in a mixture of flour, syrup, strawberries, pecans, and special sauce, the river of sweetness gently flowed over the sides of the bread at the speed of a glacier.
I was transfixed with desire. Gorge myself or just admire the beauty in front of me. What a problem.
I was snapped out of my dilemma as I watched a single slice of strawberry slide over the edge of the highest piece of toast, dragging with it a big pecan.
The pecan was from Kentucky Kernel of Hickman, Kentucky, “The Stuff of Legends.”
Seven days later, at this very table, another American legend, dined on a similar massive helping of Lynn’s famous French Toast. It was Himself, ex-governor, ex-President Bill Clinton. 
It is amazing how pecans from Kentucky Nut Corporation’s Kentucky Kernel find their way into the best kitchens of America, be it a place like Lynn’s Paradise Café or your home. American and Kentucky home grown food quality speaks for itself. Period!