Conway campaign reacts to cap n' trade statement

Feb 26, 2010 at 01:07 pm by admin

In a February 17, 2010 post, titled “WKY Poltical Journal-Mongiardo - No reason for utility rate increases,” you wrote:  Mongiardo also wanted to talk about cap and trade, which he passionately opposes, and his primary opponent, Attorney General Jack Conway endorses.

While you assert this was a quote from Mongiardo, without any sourcing or quotation marks, the impression to the readers is that it is a statement of fact by the publication. As I stated in our phone conversation, nothing could be further from the truth. Jack Conway is on record numerous times opposing cap and trade legislation. As per our conversation, I have included a statement from our campaign on the issue, which you assured me you would post.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope Jack’s position on cap and trade will be correctly reflected in any of your future posts and that you will give us an opportunity to respond to statements made about our campaign on any subject – my contact info is at the bottom of this email.  I am happy to notify you when Jack is in your neck of the woods so that you can have an opportunity to interview him, as you have our opponent. I look forward to reading Jack’s statement opposing cap and trade on your website.


-Allison Haley


Jack’s statement for post:

“I am on record against cap and trade legislation. It runs completely counter to my goal of creating quality jobs for families in the Commonwealth.  I cannot support any measure that would raise electricity rates by hundreds of dollars per Kentucky household and cost our state over 16,000 jobs,” Conway said. “There is an urgent need to preserve and grow Kentucky’s energy and manufacturing industries so we can create jobs. Coal is a valuable resource and that is why, If I am elected to be the next Senator from the Commonwealth, I will fight to ensure its place in our nation’s future.”


Sections: FrontPage News