Dem Debate 5/7/10 What to do to help the Purchase?

May 07, 2010 at 05:01 pm by admin

QUESTION: What is one project that would help the Purchase Area that you would embrace?
Price: getting rid of the legal bribery on Capitol Hill. Everything we are talking about are symptoms. The problem is cronyism. A simple conflict of interest bill would stop that. She hasn’t taken one thin dime from lobbyists.
Mongiardo: Problem is that lobbyists are in charge. He wants to change the system. Major thing for this area is coal to liquid plant. It creates jobs and increases security. 
Conway: Regional office will be in McCracken County. People here value jobs. Fund clean up. He will protect Land Between the Lakes from commercial development. Build I-69. Create a seamless education system.
Buckmaster: Going back to our Democratic roots, John Kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. We must stop asking senators what did you bring us and ask what did you save.
Sweeney: Put a congressional office in Hickman or Fulton – area gets no attention. Each county needs to get tax money returned to it for individual needs.
Sections: FrontPage News