Over $6.25 million awarded to local governments for energy upgrades

Jul 30, 2010 at 11:54 am by admin

Gov. Beshear announces more than $1.1 million in local energy efficiency improvements

FRANKFORT, Ky. – Gov. Steve Beshear today announced 19 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) awarded to communities across the Commonwealth in support of energy efficiency programs.

The grants, totaling $1,172,265, will go toward energy advancements in each community.  Improvements include retrofitting light fixtures to decrease energy costs, installing programmable thermostats to better regulate temperature and energy use, replacing doors and windows to enhance insulation and purchasing bins for recycled materials.

“Replacing light bulbs and windows or placing out accessible recycling bins are small steps we can take in our communities that will make a big difference in becoming more energy efficient in the long run,” said Gov. Beshear.  “By implementing energy efficiency practices now, we’re not only reducing future energy costs, we’re ensuring cleaner community environments for our children to grow up in.”

First passed by Congress in 2007, the EECBG program was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), with funds coming from the U.S. Department of Energy through the Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence and administered by DLG.

The Kentucky EECBG program provides $6.25 million to assist local governments in implementing strategies to reduce fossil fuel emissions, reduce total energy use and improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building and other appropriate sectors.  Additional purposes of the EECBG program include spurring economic growth and the creation and/or retention of jobs under ARRA.

The following applicants have been approved for EECB Grants:

  • Paducah, McCracken County 
     Recycle Now Materials Conservation Program
     EECBG amount: $50,000
  • Bardwell, Carlisle County 
     City Hall Energy Upgrades
     EECBG amount: $35,000
  • Butler County 
     Courthouse Retrofit

     EECBG amount: $108,688
  • Daviess Co. 
     Energy Efficiency Retrofits

     EECBG amount: $58,800
  • Fulton 
     City Energy Efficiency and Conservation Retrofit
     EECBG amount: $99,044
  • Fulton Co. 
     County Office Building Retrofit #1
     EECBG amount: $65,155
  • LaRue Co. 
     Courthouse Retrofit

     EECBG amount: $68,000
  • Winchester, Clark County 
     Senior Center Energy Retrofit

     EECBG amount: $56,802
  • Whitesville, Daviess County 
     GRADD Building Retrofit 
     EECBG amount: $75,600
  • Wayne Co. 
     Marina Recycling Program
     EECBG amount: $35,200
  • McLean County 
     Senior Center Energy Retrofit
     EECBG amount:  $83,602
  • Garrard Co. 
     Recycling Center and Animal Shelter Retrofit
     EECBG amount:  $11,769
  • Guthrie, Todd County 
     Water Commission Energy Upgrades
     EECBG amount:  $65,650
  • Central City, Muhlenberg County 
     Roof Replacement
     EECBG amount:  $72,126
  • Warren Co. 
     L&N Depot
     EECBG amount:  $41,494
  • Carlisle Co. 
     Milburn Comm. Center Upgrades
     EECBG amount:  $101,210
  • Crofton, Christian County 
     Energy Efficiency Improvements
     EECBG amount:  $47,450
  • Hickman City 
     Energy Improvement Project
     EECBG amount:  $50,000
  • Calloway Co. 
     Road Dept. Energy Upgrades
     EECBG amount:  $46,675