Waters attacks Conway, teacher unions at Tea Party Rally

Aug 28, 2010 at 06:18 pm by admin

 Speaking an overwhelming white crowd of 300 in the parking lot of Brandon Auto World in Murray, Jim Waters, Bluegrass Institute Vice President for Policy and Communications, took Jim Waters Tea Party Rally Murray AugustAttorney General Jack Conway to task for not supporting a lawsuit filed by other attorneys general against health care reform. 

Waters told the crowd that Conway called the suit a “publicity stunt.”  Waters didn’t mention Conway by name, but made clear that he was opposing the Attorney General in his run for US Senate to replace retiring Senator Jim Bunning and should he run again for his current job.

Waters went after teachers’ unions for opposing charter schools. He told the crowd to tell teachers who bemoan the loss of Race to the Top federal fundMurray Tea Party August 2010ing that it is their own fault for opposing passage of charter school legislation.  He called members of teachers unions “educrats” and said that the education system is not doing the job.

President Barack Obama supported charter schools as a candidate and his administration has made charter school availability one of the measuring sticks for Race to the Top funding.  According to the New York Times

 “Education Secretary Arne Duncan made clear that the process would favor bold reform plans from states with proven records of improving student performance. The states were required to create data-driven systems for training and evaluating principals and teachers; encourage the establishment of high-quality charter schools; develop plans for turning around failing schools; and demonstrate a strong political consensus for reform.”

Charter schools are legal in forty states, including Tennessee which received $500 million dollars in additional federal funding.  US Charter Schools 

Waters, a syndicated columnist in many Kentucky papers, including the Paducah Sun, said that the federal government has no right to “tax the coal industry” or to force employees to join unions. He emphasized the federal system is made up of fifty different states with power reserved to the people.

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