FRANKFORT, Ky. (May 16, 2016) -The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security (KOHS) is accepting applications for the FY 2016 Homeland Security Grant Program May 16, 2016 through July 8, 2016.
The grants, funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, can be used by city and county governments, fire protection districts, area development districts, and public universities to purchase first-responder equipment, communications, cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection.
KOHS allocated $2.7 million for the competitive grant program during the 2015-2016 fiscal year, which ends June 30th. The amount of funding available for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is based on monies from the Federal Department of Homeland Security, which will be determined later this year.
KOHS will post a PowerPoint at from May 16th through July 8th to assist agencies in preparing applications for grants. The PowerPoint, "FY 2016 Homeland Security Grant Application Instructions," provides step-by-step information on how to complete an application online.
It is mandatory that one representative from each agency applying for a grant review the PowerPoint presentation in its entirety in order to submit an application. A certification form will be posted with the PowerPoint. This certification form must be signed by the lead applicant agency's representative who viewed the PowerPoint. The signed certification form must be returned to KOHS by fax 502-564-7764 or email The deadline for applying for grants is July 8, 2016.
For more information contact the KOHS Grants Division at 502-564-2081.