In Case You Missed It - Redux

Jul 28, 2008 at 08:24 pm by admin

A battle of “He Said/He Didn’t Say” is going on two of Kentucky’s blogs that generally are in competition with each other, but otherwise agree politically. And they are fighting over a Republican endorsement!
BlueGrass Report started it with the question of whether Republican Secretary of State Trey Grayson will reject / did reject the endorsement of Louisville conservative activist Dr. Frank Simon.
Page One takes it from there calling a poster (Dillweed Detector) on Bluegrass Report a “stalker” and publishing his ISP to prove he is writing out of Dem HQ.
Or at least, we think that’s what is happening. We joined this program in progress.

The scary issue here is not whether Trey Grayson rejected an endorsement from a rightwing ideologue; it is the posting of an ISP address when these are supposedly private.  Posters on blog sites uses pseudonyms for a good reason - they can say whatever they want -smart or stupid - without fear of retribution, recrimination or being exposed to their employer, their political allies and their political parties.  If a poster fears being exposed, then they just won't comment. That's not a place that blogs want to go.

The result of this dustup could be a chilling effect on blog posting here in Kentucky. We don't have a dog in that fight, since posting on our site is about as rare as a gator sighting in the Ohio River. That doesn't mean we want to see discussion on other sites dry up for fear that the identity of the poster will be revealed to the world. 

Geez, fellas, take a breath and step back. Please.
Sections: Editorials