Lunsford Makes Surprise Appearance at Murray Women’s Club Thursday

Oct 10, 2008 at 11:09 am by admin

The event was covered exclusively for television by Murray Cable.

Bruce Lunsford came to Murray Women’s Club Thursday evening without press fanfare and advance publicity. Senator Mitch McConnell did not attend the forum.

We recall that the Senator appeared at the event in 2006, even though he was not on the ballot and wonder what pressing business he had to keep him away.
Lunsford was at the top of his form at the event, charming the moderator after a microphone meltdown by offering to share with her, “since I am the only senate candidate here”.
In his opening remarks, Lunsford told the crowd of 120 that this election is not about the candidates, but about “you, your children and your grandchildren.” Bad decisions in the economy in Washington and Wall Street means someone has to be held accountable.
Here’s the abbreviated version of the questions generated by members of the Women’s Club and the candidate's answers ..
Q:        Would you have voted for the bailout package?
A.        Lunsford would have had a very hard time voting for the bailout plan as it was.  He agreed that that increasing bank deposit insurance from $100,000 to $250,000 was a good move.  There was no emergency, except to protect President Bush and Secretary of the Treasury Paulson.  Members of Congress were in too big a hurry to run home and tell constituents that they fixed the crisis. But they didn’t because the market continues to drop.
Q.        How would you deal with the health insurance crisis?
A.        Lunsford decried the influence of lobbyists on legislators. He said the current system is designed to be flawed. He does not want government run health care. He wants government oversight.
Q.        What about the War in Iraq?
A.        Now that we are there, America is obligated to “do it right”. The job in Afghanistan should have come first. Lunsford cited the cost of Iraq – 1.3-1.5 trillion which is multiples more than the one billion predicted early on.
Q.        What is your energy policy?
A.        America can’t drill its way out of energy crisis. Speculators in oil drove up the price last summer. He pointed to current price to prove his point. Oil should be released from the strategic oil reserve.
Lunsford said the public shouldn’t pay for poor leadership. He accused his opponent, the Senate Minority Leader, of standing in the way of solutions. Lunsford said he expected the negative ads about him personally. Visibly angry, he told the crowd that he did not expect veterans whose company he helped set up would be a target of GOP campaign commercials.
He said that the men, gold star rated suppliers to the VA were “thrown under the bus” by the GOP.  He reminded the crowd there are  twenty six days until the election and it is vitally important for them to vote.